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IIT JEE OMR Sheet 2013 Pattern for JEE Mains and JEE Advanced Paper-I & Paper-II

The answer sheets of IIT JEE have OMR bubbles which can be read by the OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) software. Addmen Group has been providing OMR answer sheets for IIT Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) since the year 2006. The OMR software by Addmen is flexible enough to cater to different types of examination patterns which are required for IIT entrance examinations.


Types of OMR blocks used for IIT JEE

  • The MCQ blocks are most commonly used in IIT JEE. In this type of questions, four options (ABCD) are provided to the students, from which they have to opt for one or sometimes two options.
  • Another type of answer bubbles is the matrix type questions based on column matching. This is also used when multiple questions are asked based on passage reading. This is used when a group of questions is considered to be one question. The matrix possesses 4-5 rows with 4-5 options each.
  • Integer type of OMR bubbles is used when the answer to the question is in the numerical form. You will find OMR bubbles from 0-9 if the answer is expected to be a single digit number or two columns with ten rows if the answer expected is in two digits.


OMR sheet of IIT 2013

The advanced level of the entrance exam is divided into two papers. Paper I OMR answer sheet format for IIT 2014 has 60 questions. 45 are MCQ based questions that have four answer options, while 15 are integer block question bubbles (1-0). The second paper has sixty questions which have both simple MCQ based questions as well as matrix type questions.

The IIT JEE OMR sheet 2013 pattern for JEE Mains and JEE Advanced Paper-I and Paper-II can be downloaded for free here. You can take a printout of these sheets and practice solving the paper.

JEE OMR Sheet PDF file for direct printing of sample OMR Answer Sheet . 2 Coloured JEE OMR Sheet sample PDF for Inkjet Printer & Offset Printing