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IIT JEE 2010 OMR Sheets for Practice

Are you preparing for next year's IIT JEE (India Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination)? It requires you to put a lot of effort and hard work to crack this entrance examination and get admission at this prestigious institute. Apart from studying for the exam, solving previous question papers would be of great help to give you an idea of the type of examination you are going to appear for. With this thought, we have provided the IIT JEE 2010 OMR sheets for practice.

The IIT examination of 2010 has two papers which are named as Paper-I and Paper-II. While Paper-I has 84 questions, Paper-II has 57. You can download these papers for free here for practice purpose. This would help you to know and understand the paper patterns and how to fill them.

The OMR sheets of IIT 2010 have three types of paper patterns: MCQ, matrix and integer. You will get the experience of solving each of these test patterns before the actual examination.

As the IIT OMR sheets are designed by Addmen, the samples provided here are the ones that were used for the actual exam. Hence, the rules or instructions provided on the sheet are the same as would appear in your answer sheet. As you already know the instructions that you have to follow, you would be prepared for it. For instance, you will carry blue or black ball point pen instead of pencil. You will also know that you have to fill the bubbles completely and hence would practice doing the same.

The IIT JEE free OMR question answer apps download would be advantageous as it would help you in preparing for your IIT entrance examination.

JEE OMR Sheet PDF file for direct printing of sample OMR Answer Sheet . 2 Coloured JEE OMR Sheet sample PDF for Inkjet Printer & Offset Printing